Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

Our Purpose

Our purpose at The CURE Church is to love God, love people, and reach the world!
Love God - as Christians, we believe it is our calling to Love God wholly and without abandon. It is our purpose to "do everything for God's glory" as 1 Corinthians 10:31 states.
Love People - The CURE Church believes that because we love God, we must also love the beings created, people. We believe that because God loves people, we also must love people as discussed in John 3:16 and John 15:13.
Reach The World - because we love God and love people, we must reach the world. In fact, it is our calling as believers as Matthew 28:18-20 explains. 

Our Mission

At The CURE Church we exist to guide all people through the pipeline of discipleship utilizing the following five principles: decide, dedicate, discover, develop, and do.
1. Present the Gospel of Jesus and call all people to DECIDE to receive the Love of God through His One and only Son Jesus.
2. Baptize believers to present a public testimony of their salvation and DEDICATE their lives to being a Kingdom ambassador.
3. Help every person DISCOVER their identity in Christ, prepare them for living daily in the power of the Holy Spirit, and to grasp how the CURE Church believes and operates.
4. Build an active small group ministry that will DEVELOP mature believers and build community.
5. DO the work of the Great Commission; cheerlead volunteers that make Heaven more crowded; be a sending church to the world; welcome all people into the CURE church!

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