About Us

Hi. Welcome to The CURE!

In July 2021 The CURE Church was founded. The CURE exists to be a church that defies the status quo of what church is known to be. We exist for not just a select few but for all. If you are looking for a vibrant community of believers doing life and passionately serving the Lord together, you have landed in the right spot! 

What we do: 

As of now, The CURE offers three ways for people to connect with us. While all three have different structures, they all offer an opportunity for believers to gather together, connect with each other, and cultivate a deeper relationship with God.
Our worship service is a time for our church body to come together as one, worship the Lord through music, and hear a message from the Word of God. Our main worship service is at 11am on Sunday mornings. We also meet at 6pm on Sunday nights.
Lifegroups is a small-group style Bible study. Lifegroups meet at various times during the week, and the location for the lifegroup is determined by the facilitator. Lifegroups are demographic based small-groups meaning people are placed in groups based on specific demographics (like age range or marital status). Lifegroups use a sermon-based curriculum that allow for further discussion and development of the previous Sunday's message.

Lifetrack classes also occur in a small-group setting meeting at various times during the week at locations determined by the facilitator. However, unlike lifegroups, lifetrack classes are geared specifically to one topic and are also semester-based. One semester typically runs for eight weeks with fall and spring semesters offering different courses. In order to provide adequate course materials, pre-registration is preferred, but guests are welcome to attend and find a Lifetrack that best suits them!

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 11am.